3 Bedroom Virtual Tour [rev_slider_vc alias=”mainslider”]3 Bedroom Premium Virtual Tour 3 Bedroom Premium Virtual Tour, 1044 sqft Credit: Matterport Kent Ridge Hill Residences CONTINUE TO KENT RIDGE HILL RESIDENCES PRICING » [bottomText] Send me E-Brochure, Floor Plan & Pricing now Enquiry*-FinancingPurchaseView ShowflatCPF Fund UsageLoan Eligibility (LTV)Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR)Additional Buyer Stamp Duty (ABSD)I want updates onlyOthers - Name*Mobile*Email* Make an Appointment?*-I have some questions and I would like to make an appointment to discuss in detailsNo appointment required for now - MessageAcceptance of Privacy Policy* I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.